Sunday, August 3, 2014

GRAVEYARD / ULCER - Of Ancient Metal and Eternal Death (2013)

Dense Death Approach: No Air in Room

Only one listening to the „Of Ancient Metal and Eternal Death” 7” split is enough to state one thing: there is something strange with my room atmosphere… as it becomes really dense and fuggy. Of course, it’s not by accident. All is caused by these three songs included with this piece of black wax. Both bands, I guess, treated this material as a good preamble to the next full lengths. Spaniards delivered two tracks “Ye Incantations” and the Celtic Frost cover “The Usurper”. And what can I expected here? The main point is the Swedish scene is the key and Graveyard didn’t fall short of exceptions. Again, I could add… What is interesting, even the track from “To Mega Therion” album got a Swedish charm and perfectly refers to the opening incantation. All the elements, such well known from the past, are included here: characteristic guitar tones, bizarre melodic tunes, dark atmosphere and straight forward metal machine with rather mid-paced tempos. The Spaniards decided to press the senses down and they succeed. The overall impression is intensified by extremely deep Julkarn exhaling vo-kills. In addition, a Swiss classic, being enriched by the touch of Graveyardish talent, became another track from Spanish songs list. A really good, even if I’m not a huge fan of Celtic Frost…

In turn, the Poles attacks with one track only, a faster one. This is my first meeting with Ulcer and the song fits the side A very well. Maybe I cannot find such obvious Swedish influences as compared to Graveyard, the whole old death metal scene stamped a sign on the ulcerish tunes. “No Room in Hell” is swamped in raw guitar sound, faster tempo doesn’t mean a blast, however it has a potential to kill with blunt nails. Destruction is served slowly, to cause a pain, and with this overflowing density. But Poles brings some nice (?) guitar tunes in the second part: lead and the bashful melody on the background. Then, eleven minutes indicate that I have to put side A again…      

Beyond all question Selfmadegod Records did a splendid work releasing this title. Good and in-place Rafal Kruszyk cover art makes a finishing touch. Is it possible to get it now? I seriously doubt.

I am a lucky guy.   


(written on August, 2014)

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